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Power Divider 24 VDC
  • Power Divider 24 VDC

Power Divider 24 VDC

160-Power Divider 24 VDC
€ 19,80
1-2 dagen

If you build or retrofit a CNC machine you probably have difficulty how to divide 24 VDC logic power safe and aesthetically. To solve it you can use a very simple but functional power divider. 

The divider is equipped with a LED diode that indicates the presence of power. 

Op voorraad

If you build or retrofit a CNC machine you probably have difficulty how to divide 24 VDC logic power safe and aesthetically. To solve it you can use a very simple but functional power divider. 

The divider is equipped with a LED diode that indicates the presence of power. 

alert-small  It’s forbidden to connect power higher than 30VDC as it may destroy the LED diode. 

The divider doesn’t have indicated 24 VDC power input as all its pins can be both: power supply input and output. It was shown in the picture below. 


160-Power Divider 24 VDC